Recently, We of the Samurai have been lucky enough to meet the acquaintance of a wonder photographer by the name of Mike Machian. Under the label of Shoot to Fill, he's given us permission to post the photos he's taken at a few of our events. Please, enjoy this sample of his work.
Alysen performs for the audience at the PS Collective.
Applause for the artistsat PS Collective.
Veronica regales the crowd at The Slowdown with
tales of vomit.
Travis enjoying time off the stage.
Ephemily talking about orgasms and pain relief.
Travis and Dave enjoying Alysen's set.
Bowling over the crowd with her enthusiasm and fauxhawk
Ephemily keeps her pinkie up, because that's classy.
Lydia House, one of the many good causes
the Samurai have championed.
Travis talks of the Nice Guy syndrome and the Friend Zone.
Chris Wiig talks of being the greatest dad in the world.
Alan Wiggs reminds us all that working Customer Service
is the worst job in the world.
Dave and Ann open the show.
The Samurai performing at the Pizza Shoppe Collective
Marlow Mapes Auditions.
Dave pontificates
Esta Noche holds the mic for dear life as she auditions.
Will brings a little Bobby Anderson to the party.
Waiting and watching from the wings.
Our wings include a pool table and beer.
Esta Noche stands at the mic
Mikey doing that thing he does.
A rapt audience at The Slowdown
Veronica performs. Photo by Mike Machian.
Post Show reverie and Liz's Audition night
Feb Spoken Word Free For All
Here's the crew taking our post-show bow. Best show yet!
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